Oh, it is so that the Lord will allow your enemy to tear you to pieces in hate & bigotry, only to build you back up better and stronger than ever before right in their face. He prepares a table in front of our enemies and makes a footstool out of our oppressors.
As man so foolishly for the first time in the history of man, tried to trump God’s Eternal Law of changing the sanctity of marriage being between one man and one woman, to now be between man and man or woman and woman. He punished us again, saying if man thinks he can "trump" one of My divine laws, surely I will "trump" man and have all of their laws over ruled. So enters Donald "Trump". (We can’t make this stuff up people.)
Please know that our God is still alive and well, and still on the throne. Please don’t test Him again. We all saw the damage Trump has done not only to America, but to the whole world.
We tried to control our population with abortions, and we try to arm every person with a gun. But aren’t these guns made to kill? When will we learn that No Man has the right to take another man’s life, no matter how devious the crime. That right is only given to God himself. Watch as he makes toys out of your precious guns. Just as abortions are wrong in so many ways. God never imposes His will on anyone. However in the end, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We agree, every woman should have the right to make the wrong choice, just as every gay person should be afforded the right to make the wrong decision. We are all human and deserve equal rights, but gay marriage is pushing the envelope too far. America must repent from that, and right that wrong! The B.i.b.l.e. stands for our 'Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth'. It clearly says that Gay sex is an abomination to the Lord, because you have taken a sin and made it a lifestyle. How can you ask forgiveness from that other than changing your entire life around? Our Father loves to play on words, and certainly, America has become an "Obama" Nation unto God. Donald Trump was surely our punishment for our foolishness. We must Repent as a nation for the wrong we have done.
Our Wise Men Group Political Action Party emerged from President Trump’s first executive order which was redacting the Johnson Act. That gave us life and now the Christian faith has entered the world of politics. See God hasn’t aligned the Church to take sides, but He’s given us the authority to Take Over. that is exactly what we are here to do. We will usher in a new government all over the world in each nation, led by God’s biblical laws, principles, and wise leadership.
The Bible says in the last days, the first shall become last, and the last shall become first. This simply means that there will be a shift of power. The church is not meant to be the tail, God's People will now lead as the head!
We will instill the Biblical beliefs, principles, and laws not only here in America, but our party will have representation in every nation on earth.
this will bring dominion over the earth & prepare for our lord & saviors' return.
The Bible says in the last days, the first shall become last, and the last shall become first. This simply means that there will be a shift of power. The church is not meant to be the tail,
God's people will now lead as the head!
God's Restoring Order Over the World!!!